Scared Monkeys Missing Persons Site

California Judge Puts Limits on Proposition 83 … More Judicial Activism

U.S. District Judge Lawrence Karlton restricted some of the wording that was put forth in California’s Proposition 83 that put restrictions of convicted sex offenders. Judge claims that Jessica’s Law not intended to be retroactive.

Voters passed Proposition 83 on a 70.5 percent to 29.5 percent vote in Tuesday’s election. The measure bars registered sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of schools and parks, a requirement challenged in a lawsuit by an anonymous plaintiff convicted of a sex offense 15 years ago.

It continues to be an unbelievable concept that Judges wish to continue to protect the rights of sex offenders and pedophiles over the rights of children and victims. This country has a decision to make. It cannot be both ways. It has become obvious that sex offenders rights are protected as they gradually escalate their crimes, ruin children’s and family’s lives until they commit murder. Suddenly there is outrage. Jessica’s Law is intended to protect children in whatever manner possible. It is the judge’s law that interprets it to fit their agenda.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — A federal judge ruled Friday that California’s ban on sex offenders living within 2,000 feet of places where children gather can’t be applied retroactively.

U.S. District Judge Lawrence Karlton said there was nothing in the so-called Jessica’s Law that specified its provisions were intended to be applied retroactively. He added that state law requires the statute apply from the date it takes effect.

More than 70 percent of voters approved the measure, Proposition 83, on Nov. 7 and it took effect the next day.

The law prohibits registered sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of a school or park, effectively banning paroled sex offenders from many California communities. It also requires lifetime satellite tracking for some paroled sex criminals upon their release from prison.


February 10th, 2007 at 02:20pm Posted by | child welfare, Exploitation, Exploited, Rape, sex offender, sexual assault | one comment

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1 Comment

  1. When are the judges going to get it? These victims could be members of there family.

    We realy do need to start thinking of the victims rights and not the criminals.

    Comment by Sam | February 10, 2007

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