Scared Monkeys Missing Persons Site

Missing Adults often more difficult to find than children

From The Times Reporter comes a rather interesting article on the greater difficulty of finding missing adults than children. As they state when an adults leaves they do not need to inform anyone and they can leave whenever they want, not the same with a child.

When a missing person is an adult, finding him is more difficult.

“Adults have the right to leave any time they want,” said Detective Lt. Orvis Campbell of the Tuscarawas County sheriff’s office.

“Typically, adults have the right to leave and not tell anybody anything.”

When a missing persons is reported generally the following occurs:

When someone reports a missing person, depending on the person’s age, the sheriff’s office does a number of things. The missing people are entered into a national database that all law enforcement agencies access. Campbell said juveniles often are taken out of the database within hours of being entered because they are at a friend’s or neighbor’s home.

After that, for missing people of all ages, deputies respond and always start by searching the residence, even if the people there have already done it.

(Full Story)

September 25th, 2005 at 01:54pm Posted by | Informational, Missing Adult, Missing Children, Missing Teen | no comments

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